The day has finally come! Ryder Carroll, the creator of the bullet journal system, has a brand-new book available for purchase as of October 23rd. You can get a copy of The Bullet Journal Method: Track the Past, Order the Present, Design the Future here.
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I had the opportunity to read and review this beautiful book before it hit the shelves. Whether you’ve been faithfully bullet journaling for years or you’re eyeing the system from afar, keep reading to walk through the book’s content.

These words have become an anthem to the bullet journaling community, and they’re rephrased and fresh on this opening page. What used to be “Track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future” has since been updated to “Track the past, order the present, and design the future” to emphasize action.

If you’re as curious about the content as I was, here’s the full table of contents. I thought this book would be an expanded version of the instructions on the website; however, it’s jam-packed with insights on mindfulness, goal setting, and intentionality. It’s equally a self-help book and a how-to manual.
I. The Preparation

The first chapter initially walks through how the origin of the bullet journal system. Carroll’s voice is amicable and

It includes ample

Graphs like this easily encompass the book’s explanations for visual learners. Important quotes are also often segregated from the paragraphs of text, varying the reading process. Ryder walks through how to get the most out of this system by providing both the tools and material required to build your life into what you desire.
II. The System

This next chapter provides more details on the actual system. This includes which tools you need, key concepts and pages, the bullet and rapid logging system, and the various nuts and bolts that

If you’re an expert, it’s a great refresher; if you’re a novice, this includes more details and examples than what’s available on the website. Carroll includes excellent diagrams like the one above to illustrate the basic ideas of the system.
III. The Practice

In this
My personal favorite part of this section is when Carroll discusses why the pursuit of happiness isn’t the end goal. By discussing consumerism and the importance of goals, he put a thought into words that

This passage on properly setting goals for success, pursuing greater things than flighty emotions, and keeping your bullet journal grounded in essentialism was enough for me to write “Preach, Ryder!” in bright blue highlighter. I felt like he peeked into my heart and wrote down every thought I’ve had as an active member of the bullet journal community. His insight pertains to everyone.
I’ve always known Carroll created an innovate new system; however, I wish I would’ve known how wise he is five years ago.
IV. The Art

Finally! If you’ve seen the beautiful artistic spreads on your Instagram, you’ll be ready for this next chapter. Even though the washi tape, faux consumerism, and other embellishments are beautiful, Carroll urges new bullet journalers to avoid wild customization until they are familiar with the system’s bare-bone strength.

I love how Carroll incorporated spreads from the celebrities of the bullet journal world, like Tiny Ray of Sunshine’s Kim Alvarez, and Boho Berry’s Kara Benz.
Would you still buy this book after reading it?
Whole-heartedly. I believe in Carroll’s mission so much that I’d purchase the audiobook too just to support him more.
Is this book a good introductory tool to the whole system?
Yes. It expands upon the website’s information, and yet also addresses common misconceptions because of the active online community, including digital planning and the artsy spreads you’ve likely seen.
Is this book necessary for experienced bullet journalists?
A resounding yes. This book contains much more insight beyond how to mark up your dot grid pages. Carroll is wise beyond his years and this book will remain on my nearby shelf as a
Is this review sponsered?
Nope. I was so anxious to read this that I requested a copy from the publisher before release in exchange for this review, and here it is. I did not receive the original PR-box, there are no affiliate links in this article, and I am not compensated in any way for a positive review. I’m a long-term bullet journalist merely astounded by what Carroll has provided.
Where can I get it?
I’m glad you asked! Here’s the Amazon link to the hardback, kindle-version, and audiobook.

Want to read more about bullet journaling? I’m a college student and writer who has depended on her bullet journal for three years now. Head on over to my
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