With Scrivener 3, your novel writing process can have a fresh coat of paint by downloading new themes. Keep reading to access this free look that I’m currently using myself!

Scrivener is a digital binder that lets you capture all the moving parts of any long-form writing project. I mainly use it for novel-writing, scripts, managing blog content, and long academic projects.
I’ve used Scrivener for years now, and the 3rd edition is even more wonderful.
When it first came out, I created a blush theme that’s also available for free download in my resource library.
Update: The whole resource library has a brand new look! Enjoy an easier way to find what you want.
I still love that soft pink look, but when I was writing in the evening last week, I needed something darker. So I created this brand new Midnight Blue theme.
The Theme
The Midnight Blue features a deep, dreamy navy and a cream workspace that’s perfect for late night writing sessions. Full-screen composition mode does have light text on a dark background, so you have the best of both worlds.
We’re stepping back from harsh black and white for a smoother, more subtle writing experience.
Note – This free theme is only for Mac versions of Scrivener. See the bottom of this post for an update/more information.
How to Access and Install the Theme
- Subscribe to this blog
2. Access the Resource Library with the password emailed to you when you subscribe.
If you don’t see the welcome email right away, check your spam folder or wait a couple of minutes. You can contact me at greyzonepages@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram @greyzonepages.
3. Download the theme through DropBox
4. Open Scrivener
>Import Themes…
>Select Scrivener Theme – Midnight Blue
You now have access to my free Scrivener theme!

Want to try or buy Scrivener? Follow this link.
Let me know what you think of this theme! I’m excited to share more in the future with you.
Wondering about Windows versions? Read this!
Long story short: I’m working on it but it’s tricky! Stay tuned for more.
Hi, will this work on the Windows’ based scrivener?
Unfortunately Windows Scrivener and Mac Scrivener are completely different programs (believe me, I’m frustrated). I only use Macs personally, but finally bought a cheap PC and I’m trying to rebuild all my themes for Windows. It’s slow-going but I’m working on it! 🙂
Hi, love the look of this theme! How do I add it to Scrivener? When trying to import/load the theme the file is .stheme, meanwhile, the software is looking for .scrtheme. Is there a way to convert the file to .scrtheme? I’m using the Windows version, if this makes a difference.
So sorry, Ashley. The Windows and Mac versions are completely different programs much to my frustration. I bought a cheap PC and am actively trying to rebuild my themes for Windows.